Saturday, March 04, 2006

Have you even woken up singing?
well I do, quite often in fact, today I woke up singing "One night in the name of love". I sing in the shower, while im dressing, while i'm studying, while im just walking and even while i'm sleeping. I think it comes from my father. He also sings all the time and as and when he feels like it. My sister doesn't though. I guess i'm the one who caught the bug. Well i'm not really complaining. Singing lifts up your soul, you feel happy just by doing it (be it well or not) and its the kind of happiness that is pure. Not the happiness that is derived. I also whistle as much as I sing. My sister can't whistle for peanuts so I guess i've caught the bug there as well. I was motivated to whistle by the whistling cowboy (who has sadly passed away - RIP). I once even considered enrolling in a whistling contest just to see how it went. well I cant really say whether I whistle or sing well or not (its for other to judge) but the happiness it gives me is enough for me to keep doing it. So everybody!!!! Let me hear you SING!!!!!


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