Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Omg, got a very sharp email about my post on culture. Just found out how i can see the comments people make lol. Maybe I should justify my statement by putting a disclaimer...

or maybe not. Now Shoo! lol

Very nicely paced movie. Thats really the best thing about this movie. The pacing is just so perfect that you dont feel the 2 hours passing by and before you know it its over. Although factually i read that the Mayans were reduced to a few scattered villages (and had nothing the size of the city they show) by the time the spanish arrived, the entertainment value of this movie is top notch. Still cant unseat blood diamond as the movie of 2006 for me though. I cant wait for Mel gibsons next movie, hope its something along the lines of Alexander or Genghis Khan. I know he can handle the depth.

Most people tend to mix up the Aztec, Mayans and the Inca's. It's not too hard to do so let me summarize

Aztecs : 14,15 and 16th centuries in mexico

Mayans : 3rd to 10th centuries in Central America and Mexico

Inca's : South America in the 14th and 15th century. They're the ones who left the mountains of machu pichu the way it is now. As shown in the movie chronicling che guevera's(one of my heroes) life, "the motorcycle diaries". Travelling to this mountain and seeing some of the things which changed che from an idealistic doctor to a revolutionary for whom the world was not ready and will probably never be.

"civilization" is a tricky word my friends, use it wisely

Friday, February 16, 2007

TIA:This is Africa (Blood Diamond)

Honestly speaking, This is leo's best performance ever IMO and he will be hard pressed to better it EVER! I really do hope he gets best actor for his role, he truly does deserve it.I like films with a message and i also like films without a message And this film is excellent even if you put it in either category. The film is very real without being overly dramatic. You tend to wince everytime you see the endless killings that this move has throughout because it feels so real and less like a hollywood production than say Hotel Rwanda (which was more dramatic) probably because Hotel rwanda was a message wrapped around a movie while blood diamond is a movie wrapped around a message. I know that some people might say that unless you have something extreme you can't deliver a message. But sometimes messages are delivered in a subtle manner, under the guise of entertainment, thats where blood diamond is so good.

I loved the african themed music and i hope that the likes of hans zimmerman can rest easy in knowing that someone is gonna carry on the torch of his film music. Djaimon honsou was also excellent and jeniffer connelly seriously has the poise and grace to take over from the likes of jane fonda (specially in her performance in barefoot in the park). I cant stop praising the cinematography enough, Africa is a beautiful country and i hope i can visit it at least once before i die.
Back from the Phillipines

I got back from a business trip last week from phillipines (its my 3rd trip there)and I must say I like the phillipines very much. The people there are extremely nice to the extent that you feel at home right out of the airport. This sounds cliche but let me justify using FACTS.

People in the street like to make eye contact and maintain it. You can read softness in their eyes all way. you can see life burning inside

Body language is very natural and less purpose/objective driven.

There is less focus on "personal space". Someplaces when you get too close to a person, they give you that "scream bloody murder" look. Not in the phillipines, close proximity is A-OK.

well thats just how i felt. Perhaps its to do with my limited exposure and the fact that i was a foreigner there. But hats off to them, Phillipino's rock. Although the cities are extremely developes, phillipinos' seem to understand that money is not everything in this world.
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