Friday, February 16, 2007

Back from the Phillipines

I got back from a business trip last week from phillipines (its my 3rd trip there)and I must say I like the phillipines very much. The people there are extremely nice to the extent that you feel at home right out of the airport. This sounds cliche but let me justify using FACTS.

People in the street like to make eye contact and maintain it. You can read softness in their eyes all way. you can see life burning inside

Body language is very natural and less purpose/objective driven.

There is less focus on "personal space". Someplaces when you get too close to a person, they give you that "scream bloody murder" look. Not in the phillipines, close proximity is A-OK.

well thats just how i felt. Perhaps its to do with my limited exposure and the fact that i was a foreigner there. But hats off to them, Phillipino's rock. Although the cities are extremely developes, phillipinos' seem to understand that money is not everything in this world.


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