Sunday, January 28, 2007

Hi all (if there is anybody),
It would seriously be an understatement if i were to say that I have been away a long time. Seriously!!! anyway this was all thanks due to the fact that I forgot my password and the email acount under which i registered was disabled beyond reclaim. Anyway whats important is that im back online again. Sometimes it feels good to pen down your thoughts, having recently been influenced by 'Babel', i can agree with the whole theme that there isn't enough communication in this world.
Anyway a lot has happened in my life since i last posted. I've graduated from uni, started working and got into the whole rat race thing face first. Let me summarize:

I graduated with a Degree in computer engineering, from the national university of Singapore. I loved my work so I guess studying wasn't really as bad for me as it should have been. I don't know how i managed to get through 4 years so fast, but before you know it its gone and you're wondering how come you tried so hard to get out when now you're yearning to get back in. Ah the damn grass that is always greener on the otherside. Anyway school was good, i have no regrets whatsoever.

Then comes the part about my work. I love my work, I love it so much that I would do it for free (well not for free, but I really Do love it and yeah i am prone to the monday blues occasionally). I have wanted to work at the company I work for ever since I was small (like i'm BIG now). I knew this was where i wanted to work and I had absolutely no interest in any other place. I dont think that i'm a workaholic, but I'm passionate about what I do because I feel I am part of something which is contributing to the development of mankind (as opposed to moving money around and making a few bucks off it). Where do I work? well thats something i'd rather keep secret. I'll give you a hint, It has something to do with every technological innovation/invention that you see around you.

Well apart from that I dont know what to say, this about sums up the last year or so of my life (boring!). But now that i've gotten back on the whole blogging thing i'll be writing quite often(i hope anyway). I'll flesh out more details later...


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