Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Where have all the poets gone?

poetry seems to be a dying art these days. no one seems to interested in writing any which is a darned shame. I feel that poetry is a more pure expression of thoughts as its like an inbetweener between music and writing, which requires the stongest of both arts. A few of my favorite poems are "the charge of the light brigade" , " to see a world.." , "if" ,"Ryme of the ancient mariner", "lochinvar" "abhou ben adham" (has added meaning for me) and "stopping by the woods on a snowy evening". I come from a school and teachers who taught me how to appreciate poetry. My father also keeps asking me which poems the lines he quotes are from. naturally i'm expected to follow up on these and off I go to our study. I write some poetry occasionally and when i feel like it. I'm pretty sure all my poems are rubbish but i write them anyway. Should make a mental note to post them here sometime. Times like these make me wish that there was a culture pill, whereby people could swallow this pill and att once learn to appreciate the finer arts in life. coz right now when i look around me all i see people interested in doing is making money and getting ahead. Its such a waste considering the amount of beauty that is present in the fine arts. Whats worse its getting harder and harder to find people who are interested in the same things and can carry a conversation. My father always tells me that one of his biggest regrets in leaving england was the lack of people to talk to on such subject. I guess no one bothers anymore. what happened to the art or death mentality of the bohemians (if this makes you want to stand up and sing "come what may" please refrain from doing so i beg you).

Oh well, one of my friends told me that culture is a product. I wish they hurry up and invent a "double action, comes in a lightweight container" system. till then i'll leave you with one of my favorite quotes from william blake.

"To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour."


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