Saturday, March 25, 2006

Play it again sam

Well I watched Casablanca again today after around 10 years. I watched it when I was a kid with my father but basically thought it was pretty boring then. Man just tells you how much 10 years can change you. I loved it this time. It didn't do anything exceptional in any department but it's great because it does everything well in equal measure. The conversation is awesome and I think second to only movies such as reservoir dogs or sin city (in a different scale of course). It'll leave you with an amused expression on your face each time.

You just got to love humphrey bogard!!!! his chemistry with everyone is excellent. specially with louise. I guess Ingrid bergman will forever be every revolutionary's dream whether you're fighting for the freedom of france or anything else or for that matter not fighting for anything at all. And they just dont make girls like that anymore. Nowadays girls try so hard to be "hot" or"sexy" or crap like that that they lose the kind of feminine appeal that bergman seems to exhume like a broken tap (lets not forget my all time favorite aurdrey hepburn). Although I still she should have gone with Rick, here's to movie that is widely considered the greatest american movie of all time

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Where have all the poets gone?

poetry seems to be a dying art these days. no one seems to interested in writing any which is a darned shame. I feel that poetry is a more pure expression of thoughts as its like an inbetweener between music and writing, which requires the stongest of both arts. A few of my favorite poems are "the charge of the light brigade" , " to see a world.." , "if" ,"Ryme of the ancient mariner", "lochinvar" "abhou ben adham" (has added meaning for me) and "stopping by the woods on a snowy evening". I come from a school and teachers who taught me how to appreciate poetry. My father also keeps asking me which poems the lines he quotes are from. naturally i'm expected to follow up on these and off I go to our study. I write some poetry occasionally and when i feel like it. I'm pretty sure all my poems are rubbish but i write them anyway. Should make a mental note to post them here sometime. Times like these make me wish that there was a culture pill, whereby people could swallow this pill and att once learn to appreciate the finer arts in life. coz right now when i look around me all i see people interested in doing is making money and getting ahead. Its such a waste considering the amount of beauty that is present in the fine arts. Whats worse its getting harder and harder to find people who are interested in the same things and can carry a conversation. My father always tells me that one of his biggest regrets in leaving england was the lack of people to talk to on such subject. I guess no one bothers anymore. what happened to the art or death mentality of the bohemians (if this makes you want to stand up and sing "come what may" please refrain from doing so i beg you).

Oh well, one of my friends told me that culture is a product. I wish they hurry up and invent a "double action, comes in a lightweight container" system. till then i'll leave you with one of my favorite quotes from william blake.

"To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour."

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Have you even woken up singing?
well I do, quite often in fact, today I woke up singing "One night in the name of love". I sing in the shower, while im dressing, while i'm studying, while im just walking and even while i'm sleeping. I think it comes from my father. He also sings all the time and as and when he feels like it. My sister doesn't though. I guess i'm the one who caught the bug. Well i'm not really complaining. Singing lifts up your soul, you feel happy just by doing it (be it well or not) and its the kind of happiness that is pure. Not the happiness that is derived. I also whistle as much as I sing. My sister can't whistle for peanuts so I guess i've caught the bug there as well. I was motivated to whistle by the whistling cowboy (who has sadly passed away - RIP). I once even considered enrolling in a whistling contest just to see how it went. well I cant really say whether I whistle or sing well or not (its for other to judge) but the happiness it gives me is enough for me to keep doing it. So everybody!!!! Let me hear you SING!!!!!
I just watched the movie ElizabethTown. And I must say, this movie was one of the most pleasant surprises i've had in ages. The movie is just so iconic and visually glorious. I'm not talking about glorious in the sense of the big things, but in the smaller things like seeing the river leading to the missisippi or the sunrise over kentucky. And the musical score has to be one of the best ive ever heard. If someone asked me to sum up the movie in one word, I'd say MUSIC. Hats off to cameron crowe. You bought us Jerry Maguire and "Show me the money" and you bought us ElizabethTown and it's music. I dont really like to rate movies so i'll just leave it at that. Watch this movie with a good pair of speakers or earphones and prepare to be taken into the ages of harmony. Oh did i mention this movie start orlando bloom and Kirsten Dunst ...
Well I guess this has been a long time coming. I always thought I would be the last one on earth to start a blog, but I guess I was either wrong, or I need to look around and see if the world still exists. But yeah, I feel that the world is a beautiful place, full of beautiful people and wonderful experiences. I'd like to contribute to the beauty of it in what little way I can, Sharing my thoughts and singing my dreams. So cheers to that, and thanks for reading my blog
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